As a psychologist I see individuals seeking counselling due to personal and social stressors in addition to a desire for career counselling in times of life transition.

A person’s career is one of the most important life activities occupying nearly half of an adult life. When enjoyed, a career can bring satisfaction and happiness, contribute to higher self-esteem, and ultimately lead to a healthy life adjustment. When work is disliked a person can experience stress, boredom, tension, frustration, low self-esteem, and even physical illness. Career development is a lifelong process, not just a decision one makes when you leave school. It makes sense to therefore view the major career decisions, which you may be about to make, within the broader context of your career so far.

The Career Choice Assessment & Counselling that I offer uses a combination of evaluation methods in order to have a well-rounded, holistic view of the client. That is to say, in conjunction with the standard assessment measures, that are empirical, more qualitative techniques are used in order to get a better understanding of you as a person.

Career Choice Assessment and Counselling can entail gathering relevant information about yourself and the world of work, developing a picture of your talents, interests, values and preferred life-style, and exploring and making realistic and informed career decisions, based on this information and picture.

The assessments used include:

  • Qualitative procedures such as career choice interviewing, creative representations of your career journey (e.g. face-to-face discussions, poems, collages, etc), biographical information gathering.
  • More quantitative assessments geared towards assessing your personality, abilities, values and motives and interests.

Career Choice Assessment  & Counselling is geared towards learners (Grades 11 & 12), students and professionals (mid-career).

The career counselling process consists of three sessions, namely:

  • The initial interview (app. 3 hours), for example determining what you want to achieve through the career counselling,
  • Psychometric testing (approx. 3 hours), determining your interests, aptitudes, work-related strengths, weaknesses and preferences, and a
  • Feedback session (40 – 60 mins), giving feedback about assessment outcomes and discussing the outcomes with you (Parents are welcome to sit in on the interview).



For more information contact:      Hazel Kurian, Counselling Psychologist, Call: +27 72 823 7964,

Email: careers@oneheadspace.com